Men and woman who are tired of hitting their head against a wall. Running in circles in life, experiencing the same patterns and defeats over and over again.
Healers that want to clear their blocks and fears so that they move from playing small to fully stepping into their destiny to better serve the collective on a larger scale.
Starseeds and lightworkers that feel a higher calling to something bigger than themselves but can’t get out of their own way and feel blocked.
Men and woman stuck in survival mode, yearning for freedom and acceptance in a world where you might not have felt confident or brave enough to step out and create your own destined path of happiness.
Awakened souls actively working through the healing and ascension path and want to gain more access to their multidimensionality and that NEXT level awareness of your path. Consciousness expanding junkies!
Each week you can expect that we will be exploring the many layers of you, the false layers that have been accumulated through your many hundreds if not thousand of lifetimes your soul has experienced.
We investigate the root cause of your setback's, fears, stuck patterns, addictions, limiting beliefs, programs and trauma.
As we are moving through the clearing work you will be given time to /integrate and receive information to take with you to implement into your daily life to work towards your goals.
The more we clear up the "junk" for you the easier its going to be to move forward. I will then be able to work with your higher self in integrating more of this higher consciousness of you into this avatar level body. Opening up new pathways of light within your DNA.
The more space that's created the more you can access all the juicy downloads and activations waiting to UPgrade you into your highest timeline.